Melbourne Open Spaces

A New Melbourne Planning Strategy

Over the next two years the Victorian Government will be preparing a new metropolitan planning strategy to manage Melbourne’s growth and change. The strategy will contribute to the overall vision for the State including links with regional Victoria.

The strategy will help guide Melbourne’s growth and change over the next 30-40 years. It will give communities, businesses and local government the confidence, flexibility and certainty needed to make informed decisions about their future.

For more information visit What will the strategy consider?

The strategy will ensure the valued aspects of Melbourne are protected while allowing for future needs including:

  1. housing choice

  2. transport accessibility

  3. economic growth

  4. environmental protection; and

  5. infrastructure and services to support growth


Who will be consulted?

The strategy will be informed by stakeholder and community input and feedback together with rigorous research and evaluation.

Preliminary consultation will begin with Matthew Guy, Minister for Planning and Terry Mulder, Minister for Public Transport and Roads meeting with metropolitan councils and major planning stakeholders.

The Government will also embark on extensive public consultation with regional councils, community groups and the general public in the near future to ensure all Victorians have a chance to make comment on the future of Melbourne.

How will planning decisions be made in the interim?

As the strategy is being developed, planning decisions should have regard to the State Planning Policy Framework.

Meanwhile, other planning projects will continue to be progressed. Further information on current projects is available from the Planning Home Page.

More information

Visit for more information about how to get involved in the planning process.

A New Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Strategy – Department of Planning and Community Development to read the DPC Press release